
Thermochemical Cleaning

Cleaning salts are used for the quick and gentle removal of coatings which are difficult to dissolve, even in narrow crevices and small-bore holes.

The formulation of each product is optimised regarding their special application.

ProductApplicationWorking temp. in °C
ALKO® N For descaling titanium.200 – 220 
KOLENE® No. 4Removes moulding sand, graphite, oil coke, casting crust and scale. For cast iron, steel and cast aluminium.400 – 500
KOLENE® No. 5Removes organic materials: semi and fully synthetic plastics, paint, lacquer, grease, oil, resin, carbon, graphite, rubber etc. Ideal for cleaning steel and   cast iron400 – 500
KOLENE® No.6Removes paint, oil carbon and plastics from aluminium and steel work pieces, also grey cast iron.300 – 400
KOLENE® No. 10Removes organic materials: semi and fully synthetic plastics, paint, lacquer, grease, oil, resin, carbon, graphite, rubber etc. Ideal for cleaning chrome-  alloyed tools.380 – 480
KOLENE® DGSRemoves scale and rolling skin; metal oxides, glass residue (drawing agent), sand residue, oil coke, oil, grease and other organic traces from stainless steels and other Cr/ Ni materials.370 – 540
RS 700Removes ceramic moulding material based on silicon and aluminium oxides, also zirconium oxide, from precision castings. Devitrifies Pt-Rh-spinning   nozzles and similar components, removes enamel.600 – 700

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