Hard and wear resistant surfaces by boriding

Looking for a heat treatment process that exceeds the hardness & temperature resistance of case hardening, carbonitriding, nitriding & nitrocarburizing? If you are, Boriding with a hardness range of 1500-2500 HV & temperature resistance range of 800-100°C just might be what you are looking for.

Here at Durferrit we are constantly developing our products for performance & environmental advantages. Historical issues associated Boride Paste such as sintering of the boriding agents, being labor-intensive & forming an uneven layer have all been eradicated, whilst maintaining the advantages of:

  • High layer hardness
  • Very good abrasive wear resistance
  • Low tendency to stick
  • High heat resistance
  • Improved acid resistance

The benefits of boriding are widely used in many applications to extend the service life of components, such as:

  • Tools: Forging tools, drawing tools, injection housings, extruder screws, stone mold plates
  • Engineering: Gears, shafts, castors, thread guides, grinding tools, crushers, agitators
  • Handling devices: Dosing screws, pump parts, screens, screw drive shafts, conveyor pipe elbows

The list of treatable materials is large & includes, structural steel up to high performance hot work steel, cast steel, grey (cast) iron, sperolitic cast iron, unalloyed and alloyed sintered iron, Armco iron, electrolytic iron, Non-ferrous alloys (Properties achieved are Influence by the alloying elements of each material). The only limitations are Si and Al content of the steels, they should be below 1 % (Si) and 0.3 % (Al) ,to be considered suitable for boriding.

If the Boride layer depth (max. 70 – 80 µm for unalloyed or low-alloyed steels & < 50 µm on high-alloyed steels) is not sufficient for your application hardening and tempering after boriding can be preformed. There are some exceptions, such as High-speed steels which can be borided very successfully, but they cannot be hardened afterwards.

Boriding needs to be preformed in an inert gas atmosphere, with both chamber and rotary furnaces being suitable. They should be equipped with a waste air extractor system and if necessary, the waste air should be washed using a solution of limestone.

Why use our paste over other methods of boriding such as Salt melts, Powders, Granulates, Gas & Plasma?

Durferrit UK will be happy to assist with any technical queries or RFQ’s.